​“I have come to know personally and professionally how important acknowledging and including our soul and spirit is in holistic healing work; if we do not, we cannot expect true holistic health and an unhampered onward journey in this and other lifetimes.”
Maria Gerathy – Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist

HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success©

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy®

Our soul and spirit are vital parts of us that need to be considered and supported for greater levels of wellbeing, to holistically heal from past negative experiences and for the soul to realise its full creative potential. Successfully reaching life’s goals and one’s destiny can become a reality.

I am delighted to offer the following comprehensive, in-depth soul centred and soul led programs created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber the world authority and internationally recognised expert on metaphysical, spiritual, shamanic and esoteric aspects of hypnosis. These programs are based on the discoveries of quantum physics, the knowledge of neuroscience and the legendary 12,000 year old esoteric hypnosis techniques of ancient Egypt and even older ancient shamanic healing secrets.

All sessions are available via zoom. Join me and connect with your soul and spirit in the safety of your own space. I look forward to meeting you there.

 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis Sydney

​“What most people do not know is that our soul is instrumental in creating our true reality
and experiencing true healing. Our true reality is defined by the state of our soul. We can use
positive suggestions or affirmations but if the soul is not present or not part of the process,
nothing will change at a deep and lasting level.”
~ ​Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber (Creator Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy®)

​HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach

The Sacred Art of Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul©

My Role as a HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® is as soul mediator; it is a sacred role that assists another soul to come into relationship with its own essential nature or authentic self.

The soul’s journey to do so is a deep desire, can you recognise it within yourself?

HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for LIFE© 5 Session Program

Identify the master plan of your soul for this incarnation, the foundation or basis of the soul’s evolutionary objectives.

  • Discover the soul’s Master Keys to Success© in this lifetime
  • Connects the soul with its Master Keys to stay in alignment with its evolutionary objectives and core values for this entire lifetime.
  • Helps create and support the necessary linkages with ones divine self
  • Identifies the capacities or qualities the soul needs and seeks to master in this lifetime.
  • Master keys support you to stay in the success zone.

Total investment $675.00 (10% discount if paid in total prior to starting)
First session 60 – 90mins $175
Sessions 2 -5, 60 mins $125.00 paid prior to each session

HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Soul Growth© 8 Session Program

Identify the 8 Master Keys for soul growth for any specific goal, objective, aspiration, longing, or any situation.

  • Support the soul to stay in alignment with your goal, objective, aspiration, longing.
  • Create the necessary linkages with your divine self and your soul’s goals
  • Align with the right frequencies to achieve your soul goals.
  • Helps to create forward momentum
  • Identify your recipe or magical formula for true success.
  • Participate powerfully, intelligently and co-creatively in the soul’s evolutionary story.
  • Empowers you to direct the process energetically

Total investment $1050.00 (10% discount if paid in total prior to starting)
First session 60 – 90mins $175
Sessions 2-8, 60 mins $125.00 paid prior to each session

Crossroads Protocol® Soul Centred Decision Making

Make a soul centred, soul directed, soul oriented decision. Considering all that needs to be looked at from the soul’s perspective.

  • Single session.
  • Make a decision in alignment and accord with your true self and soul purpose.
  • Trust the decision you make made from the most powerful part of yourself, your true self.
  • Live a more aligned and authentic life.
  • Prevent random and regretful decisions.
  • Avoid stressful and prolonged situations.

Total investment $175.00, 60 – 90mins

HypnoSuccess® Life Path Master Key©

Identify the Master Key that is your life path soul lesson, the soul’s priority for this lifetime.

  • Single session
  • This is an orientating and focus session enabling you to ascertain the priority objectives and opportunities for soul growth in this life.
  • Of benefit if feeling lost or directionless.
  • When seeking to connect with and understand one’s life path.
  • When looking for insight and the learning of ones current situation.
  • To gain a higher perspective while facing a challenging situation.

Total investment $175.00
60-90 mins

HypnoSuccess® Master Key Deep Dive©

Explore or go deeply into a Master Key for further awareness.

  • Single session
  • This session is available for those who are undertaking or have attended either the 5 session or 8 session HypnoSuccess® Master Keys© programs.

Total investment $95.00
60 mins

​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy®

The Sacred Art of Soul Restoration and reclamation of soul power.

By using advanced techniques that weave together forces inherent in the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind my role as a Soul Intercessor© is to guide you into the Healing State of Consciousness©, a light trance state, that allows the power, intelligence and creative ability of soul to be present and involved. Deep holistic healing occurs by restoring, re-storying, your soul’s story.

Are you ready to engage with and embrace your soul power for deep level change and new ways of being?

Hypnotique Protocol Certified Esoteric Hypnotist

​​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® 9 session program

Reclaim your soul power to become more connected to your soul and empowered from deep within. Experience breakthroughs that have not been possible before.

  • Address deep soul wounds, soul scars and soul skins that keep you stuck in disempowering repetitive patterns
  • Experience true and lasting liberation from past traumas
  • Create not just surface change, but finally address and clear the causative factor of an issue
  • Free yourself from deep and painful unresolved problems that you have not been able to clear or move through
  • Create an unbreakable link with your soul, the source of true power so you can access your full potential and live your unique destiny
  • Empower yourself for the next stage of your journey knowing you can release what may be holding you back

    Total investment $1650 (10% discount if paid in total prior to starting)
    First session: 90 – 120 mins $250
    Sessions 2-8: 60 – 90 mins $175.00 paid prior to each session

​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Healing the Spirit – Root Cause Transformation 5 session program

My role as a Soul Intercessor© is as an agent of transformation assisting you at all levels of the holistic being to alleviate suffering and to reconnect with your soul and spirit.

  • Alleviate suffering experienced from pain, trauma, stress, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, moral injury.
  • Restore right relationship with life

Total investment $1050 (10% discount if paid in total prior to starting)
First session: 90 -120 mins $250
Sessions: 2-5, 90 – 120 mins $200 paid prior to each session

    ​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Shamanic Soul Healing© 3 session program

    My role as a Shamanic Soul Intercessor© is to facilitate your soul’s experiences and connections with your power animals, soul guardian and spiritual teacher-guide.

    • Be guided to the Lower World, Middle World and Upper World to begin this life changing journey.
    • Connecting the soul with its spiritual allies for multidimensional support in this life time for a more empowered, magical, life experience.

    Total investment $425 (10% discount if paid in total prior to starting)
    First session: 60 – 90 mins $175
    Sessions: 2 – 3, 60 mins $125 paid prior to each session

      <a href="https://stocksnap.io/photo/leopard-nature-Z9KWOGE8YS">Photo</a> by <a href="https://stocksnap.io/author/worldwildlife">World Wildlife</a> on <a href="https://stocksnap.io">StockSnap</a>

      ​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® single session

      • Single session
      • Working at the level of the superconscious to address a physical, emotional or mental concern
      • Suitable for youth
      • A versatile session that can be an initial start point

      One 60-90 minute session $175

      ​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Deep Dive

      • Single session
      • Explore to go deeply.
      • For those who are undertaking or have attended the 9 session or 5 session ​Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® programs.

      One 60-90 minute session $175

        ​“Unlike mainstream hypnosis which focuses on the body-mind-brain and the placing of suggestions into the subconscious mind of the client while the client is in a trance state, Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® works at the deepest levels of the human psyche which is at the level of the human soul and spirit.”
        ​Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

        Are you ready to take 3 steps with me?

         Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis Sydney - Maria Gerathy

        First step

        Contact me to make an appointment to explore if working together will be in alignment with you and your intentions. A freely held conversation to get to know each other better.

        Second step

        With my support, choose your program – the path forward that aligns with your intentions.

        Third step

        Add to your calendar the weekly or fortnightly session dates and times for the  on-line sessions. Dedicate the appropriate space and time for connecting and listening to your soul and spirit.

        ​Let us journey together to find your treasure

        A holistic healing, evolutionary journey is like walking a spiral – familiar at times when we circle around but always expansive. This essential growth journey is the work of soul to release unnecessary stories and attachments and to find our unique gifts. Just like discovering and collecting nature’s treasures we discover and embody these gifts that are the keys to assist us along the way.

        Included with your program – The Sacred Plant Medicine of Aotearoa

        Another layer of my support for you is with an individually created
        First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® flower essence blend.
        This 20th century sacred plant medicine is highly recommended as transformational support for your holistic healing journey.


        Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for any medical, psychological or psychiatric care, advice or treatment. If you have a medical, psychological or psychiatric illness or condition, you should consult a medical, psychological professional in the first instance. The information provided on my website is a suggestion only and should not be used to replace the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease or any other medical, psychological or psychiatric illness or condition, or used to replace any care, advice, or treatment provided by any medical, psychological or psychiatric professional. 

        Montserrat ~ Economist, Coach, Expert in Flower Essences, Barcelona - Spain

        Maria made the whole process very easy to follow and I felt gently guided, nurtured and cared for every step of the way.  I am now able to walk my journey through life feeling relieved of burdens and I find it easier to take actions towards my goals after the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy programme.”

        T.M. ~ New Zealand

        “Arriving out of the post pandemic period, I was adjusting to lots of new energies and visions toward the future. With our weekly sessions I was amazed at what unfolded and manifested into the world for me. I found this deeply powerful and transformative work, and with Maria’s patience and wisdom, I was able to shift toward creating new capacities and vision toward my future. I would recommend this potent work to anyone who is ready to shift through blocks and challenges that may be holding you back. Maria holds clear boundaries and a wise heart, and is able to intuit our stories into supportive practical application. I felt safe and supported ongoingly throughout this journey.”

        C.H. ~ Sydney, Australia

        “In the past I knew what I wanted to do, but I felt like I was frozen to the spot and unable to action my plans. The overwhelm I felt around the unknown and new experiences meant I never fully experienced the now; something prevented me from being fully present and in the moment. Now, after the Hypnotique Protocol 9 step programme with Maria, I am writing and leading my own workshops, I feel confident, fully present, comfortable to stand out and my concerns for the unknown and the new have turned into curiosity and enthusiasm. I am now, fully engaged with life!”

        Kathleen Nora Bower, Bay of Islands, NZ

        The transformation over my 9 sessions with Maria went from me feeling unworthy of showing up in the world as myself with confusion as to how to portray my message online in my business, to, having crystalline clarity around what it is I embody and bring as my gifts, having the utmost trust in each decision I make and enjoying every step of the process. Maria provides such a nurturing, safe space to really be seen, heard, held and supported”

        Amanda Hookham-Kraft, NZ

        “Maria as an esoteric hypnotherapist was able to hold the space for me in a way that I felt both safe, heard and able to express freely my process and reflections at each new session. This helped me to have further insight and understanding into the transformation and shifts taking place during the 5 step programme
        This process enabled healing and profound shifts in consciousness that were like nothing else I have experienced. I feel very grateful to have had the opportunity to experience this with Maria and to confront an issue that was needing to be addressed once and for all and imperative to my own growth and development.”

        Be humble, for you are made of earth.
        Be noble, for you are made of stars.

        ~ Serbian proverb

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        Maria Gerathy


        First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® Registered Practitioner
        First Light® College of New Zealand Native Flower Essence Therapy Tutor
        Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist
        HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
        Transpersonal Coach

        Contact Me

        Email me
        Phone: +64 (0)26 650 4472