First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings
Restoring the DNA Master Patterns for Living
In the First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings course you will discover how to use the 12 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51-62 to support yourself and others to release fear and return to a natural state of peace.
Unit One: NZNFE 107
Learn about the holistic healing benefits of the 12 First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® seed essences No’s 51-62; learn about the DNA, its role and purpose; learn about the anatomy of DNA; discover how to maintain the energetic integrity of DNA; access the keys for restoring the primordial light codes of power; identify the constitutional seed essence for yourself or another; exercises to help you identify and be able to address energetic distortions at the level of DNA; and much, much more!
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